Sunday, 6 June 2010

apple.. not the one u eat...

my my...
once u're human...
forever human..
and u won't satisfied with one thing u ever had...
u always want more...
and it's include me..
well.. i'm a bloody human yeah..

so.. after macdee... (he still be the one)
i've got my eyes on other apple stuff..
NO.. NO.. not the one u ate...
not granny smith.. or gala apple.. or whatever...
it's the apple stuff that start with 'i'...

i really want to have at least 2 out of 2...
hahahaha... wishful thinking...
one if really lucky...
if there's suddenly money fall down from the skies..
no problem then...
but, that's the myth create by crazy people...
other than u got it yourself..
or ask others to give it to u...

the iPod touch is the one i will try to have my hand on..
with my own money... Insya-Allah...
but if i ever lucky to have iPod nano or iPod shuffle??
probably not from me...
as an advance birthday presie???

*flipping my not-so-long eyelashes*

well enough said...
*finger cross*


Yana Ismail said...

iphone trus kak!uhuhu

mrnoble said...

takpon tunggu iphone 4. haha!

.: Syafi and Me :. said...

iphone 4 kat us dah kuar.... mesia tak sure bila... jom kita sambar... hehehe...

tak pun sambar la ipad ke..
